Interview of a classical musician about subways

First, what do you think of the subways?
Well, I find those ridiculous! So many people in a way too narrow space, that is unbearable. When I have to go somewhere, I prefer Taxis or bicycle, this is much more appreciable.

What bother you in the fact that there is a lot of people?
A too crowded space isn’t graceful. That is not ordered like everything should be. An ordered crowd beautifuly the place, it is so magestic and marvelous! And subways are anything but majestics and marvelous.

So, would you like to change things?
Of course I would like to! If only subways could be set like music paper! It would be much more pleasant to use them! I should probably do something about that but all those people are juste… So messy! I don’t see how I could change that…

Are you saying that someone should do something to change subways, but you are not going to be this person?
That is delicate. You see, I am a very bussy person, and as I said early, I don’t really know what to do… If I could do something I swear I would already have change everything in subways!

You seem like someone who’s too afraid to get his hands dirty…
I am not! I just can’t bear all that mess.

I see… And do you think subways are doomed to be all crowded and messy forever?
Unfortunately, yes. Subway is not a placevfor you if are a delicate person, like me.

So you see yourself as a delicate person?
Of course, since I am! As you know I listen to classical music, only someone who is really delicate and elegant can appreciate this sorte of music! And you know why? Because it is not music, it is art!

Music is considered as an art, and not only classical music you know…
Certainly, but classical music is just the true art in music.

Okay I see. Let’s end this interview here. Thank you for volunteer your time for us, mister.
It is my pleasure, I am really flattered that you choose to interviewed me to speak about classical and… subways…

Interviewer : SENS–CHARVET Lara

Classical Killer


The famous murderer self-named “Beethoven” strikes again.
During the night from Thursday to Friday, a dead body was found around New York’s eleventh street.
Family does not want to share informations about the victim, so we are going to call them J.
J. was a novice muician and has been strangled with their violin’s cords. They didn’t have any mortals enemies or people who wanted them to die. Or so their family through. The murdurer left, as always, a letter on music paper to the police. Here is the end of this letter :

« Well, you seem to have some troubles to find me.
That is so funny to see you being so blind
When I am the one who is supposed to be disabled.
-Your deaf musician Beethoven »

Police do not want to share the rest of the letter because it contain some confidentials informations.
Unfortunately, and as you probably already know, Beethoven wasn’t in their first attempt there.
J. is their seventh victim in less than two years, four of them having taking place in the past three months.
Undeed, Beethoven has been pretty active lately, which is really disturbing.
Police absolutely refuses to provide the informations it has about them, but no doubt that thoses informations are not so much.
In response to all all this commotion, the President decides to give a lecture about this. This will take place in three days, and everybody hope that he will annonce that they is no need to panic, because american people are starting to freak out.
All we know about this killer is that they made seven victims and they always leave letters write on music paper near the dead body.
In case you didn’t have the occasion to read the previous letter police agree to publish, here are some of them :

« Hello cops!
This is my third crime and you didn’t found me yet.
How disappointing…
If you don’t find me quickly, I am going to continue this.
So hurry up!
With love,
-Your deaf musician Beethoven »
Letter from March, the 8th of 2016

« Dear Police,
Where are you? I really can’t wait to meet you!
I hope you are not scared of me,
That would be embarrassing…
All my love,
-Your deaf musician Beethoven »
Letter from January the 24th of 2017

 « My dear cops,
I am starting to thing that you are just blind.
How can you miss me when I am right before your nose?
I am getting annoyed.
Being deaf isn’t a suficiant disadvantage?
-Your deaf musician Beethoven »
Letter from August the 1st of 2017

We sincerely hope police will find this murderer.